We are ahead of the COP24 World Climate Summit – a platform for exchange of experience in the process of political, economic and social transformation shaping the political map of the world and showing the key directions of development. It will also be a meeting which may determine the directions of the EU’s climate policy for the next several decades.
Energy transformation is necessary – both in Poland and around the world. However, this should not be a revolution, but an evolution. A well-thought-out and planned reconstruction is much more beneficial and profitable. In this case, it is a global reconstruction of the energy sector. A process that is taking place and will continue to take place in many countries in a way that is appropriate taking into consideration the conditions and needs of a given country.
Poland’s activities
The Energy Policy for 2040 has just been presented in Poland. It defines a way of energy transformation of the domestic sector that will most reliably ensure energy security and energy efficiency while reducing its environmental impact as well as facilitating optimal use of energy resources.
The implementation of climate policy objectives must be based on economic calculation with the use of innovative technologies, including clean coal technologies that allow this raw material to be used in the most efficient and environmentally friendly way possible.
Energy policy also assumes putting a strong emphasis on renewable energy sources (RES) and nuclear energy. An alliance of the RES and hard coal sectors is therefore necessary – the two sectors simply cannot exist without each other. Renewable energy sources need conventional sources – i.e. coal or gas – as a back-up. In turn, in order to meet certain parameters, conventional energy should look for solutions related to the development of renewable sources.