The State Forests managed to convince 20 leading companies – both state-owned and private – to cooperate with the institution on implementation of this project. For all these companies, an auction of carbon dioxide units was organized in October (JDW, the amount of organic carbon equivalent to 1 tonne of CO2, which as a result of additional activities will be accumulated in tree stands and soil). All the revenue from the sale of JDWs will be used by the State Forests for activities related to nature and biodiversity protection, forest and historical education, as well as for the sake of tourists, e.g. for construction or modernization of bicycle paths, resting places or forest car parks.
Scientific cooperation
The project is accompanied by large-scale research work carried out by the leading Polish universities and institutes. For example, the Office for Forest Management and Geodesy, on previously selected research plots throughout Poland, collects samples of organic material coming from different layers of the forest, e.g. litter, trees or roots.
In the course of its work it also takes many measurements of tree parameters, e.g. height of trees or height of the crown settling.
In laboratories, each sample is thoroughly examined, mainly in terms of carbon content. The results of this work are used to create models, including tree stand growth curves, which are to replace the variables previously included in the CBM (Carbon Budget Model).
Foresters for the climate
The sustainable forest management pursued by State Forest also has a positive impact on the climate. Moreover, it provides wood for Polish economy. However, every year the volume of wood obtained from forests is lower than forest growth.Thus, for over 70 years the volume of wood in the forests has been increasing and thanks to aforrestation the area covered by forests in Poland keeps growing. In this way the role of forest in absorb-ing CO2 is getting more significant. The State Forests are also implementing the Energy Forest project aimed at reducing energy use in the buildings and other facilities of State Forests, increasing the use of RES, and also to increase the number of electric vehicles in State Forests fleet. The main objectives of the project are to improve energy security, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency, promote electric vehicles in road transport and disseminate knowledge and good practices in the field of renewable energy sources.